List Of Books By Stephen King !!INSTALL!!
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The following is a complete list of books published by Stephen King, an American author of contemporary horror, suspense, science fiction, and fantasy. His books have sold more than 400 million copies,[1] and many of them have been adapted into feature films, television movies and comic books. King has published 65 novels, including seven under the pen name Richard Bachman, and five non-fiction books. He has written over 200 short stories, most of which have been compiled in book collections. Many of his stories are set in his home state of Maine.
I have every book on this list except 2. I have to say that a few of my favourites are definitely Desperation and Needful Things. Stephen king IS the master of horror.. Long time fan and slways will be!
Few authors have made an impact on the horror genre in quite the same way as Stephen King. The master of suspense has an estimated 350 million books sold, and he continues to publish best-sellers to add to his list of over 50 titles.
This book also became a movie and remains one of the most shocking and terrifying books in American literature. Carrie may feel tame compared to many modern novels, but that does not negate its impact on the horror and terror genre.
Finally, Firestarter rounds out the list of books that King fans adore. This book follows Vicky Tomlinson and Andy McGee, two former college students who were test subjects in a secret government test program. When the two get married later, they give birth to a daughter, Charlie, who has an interesting and uncontrollable power.
This eclectic list contains a wide range of writers, including the likes of William Faulkner, Charles Dickens, J.K. Rowling and Raymond Carver among many others. It is definitely a strong collection of novels and should be a good start for anyone who is looking for an interesting summer reading list.
The Mist is part of the Dark Forces Anthology. On this list of Stephen King books, the Mist was not just made into a film, but also into a popular TV series. The story introduces the protagonist, David, and his son, Billie. The father and son are trapped in a grocery store, among other survivors, after a mysteriously thick fog surrounds the store. Inside the Mist are violent creatures willing to kill anyone who steps too close. David, his son, and his companions must figure out a way to escape from the Mist before it reaches the inside of the store itself.
The Danse Macabre is a non-fiction book written by Stephen King which discusses what frightens the everyday reader. It talks about the various influences of TV, media, and print regarding the anxieties and everyday fears of the average person. Danse Macabre is a novel that gives insight into the influences of horror stories, and is a great way to get another perspective regarding the others ones on this list of Stephen King books.
Different Seasons is another collection by Stephen King. The novellas in the collection feature four seasons. This collection has nearly all of its contents made into a film. Different Seasons have a more dramatic tone compared to the others in this list of Stephen King books. Included in it are Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, Apt Pupil, The Body, and The Breathing Method.
The Skeleton Crew is a list of Stephen King books, short stories, and even poems. Skeleton Crew is a limited edition novel collection with only one thousand copies in print. The collection features illustrations by fellow author, J. K. Rowling.
In this list of Stephen King books, Misery is one of the most brutal. Annie Wilkes is a deranged fanatic who kidnaps Paul Sheldon. The mentally ill nurse confines the famous author, Paul Sheldon, and forces him to write another book in a series that he has already finished. The story relates to the mentally draining experience King has gone through when his fans rejected his epic fantasy, Eyes of the Dragon.
Stephen King Goes to the Movies is a list of Stephen King books or short stories that have been remade into films. This collection features a new introduction by King with every story. Included in this collection are 1408, The Mangler, Rita Hayworth & The Shawshank Redemption, Low Men in Yellow Coats, and Children of the Corn.
This list is the honorees for 2015 as the data came from the results of the authors efforts for the period before ranking was calculated. The votes come from the community of readers around the world who are all part of the Reader's Legacy community. The honorees are the authors that Reader's Legacy members follow.
It's surprisingly hard to find a definitive list of Stephen King's books. Most of what you'll find on the internet leaves out at least a dozen or more books\\u2014sometimes excluding story collections, co-written stories, his non-fiction, etc.
Anyone who thinks Pennywise is the biggest Stephen King villain is sorely mistaken. Ever since the early days of The Stand, Randall Flagg -- the mysterious wizard/devil-man who goes by a whole host of different names -- has been popping up all over the place. He's essentially evil incarnate. As well as being a key antagonist in King's 1986 novel The Eyes of the Dragon and making cameos in a number of other stories (often with a different name, but usually with the R.F. initials), Flagg is also Roland's main adversary in the Dark Tower books. If anyone in this list is likely to pop up again in a future King novel -- maybe as himself, maybe as a thinly disguised version -- it's him.
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From visiting his home (which has a pretty creepy vibe) to bookstores inspired by him, this list has it all. So, what are you waiting for Start reading and bookmarking all ofo the places to visit during your next trip to Maine! 153554b96e
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