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The sixth edition of Basic Immunology has been revisedto include recent important advances in our knowledgeof the immune system. The original goals of this book,from the earliest edition, were to present current con-cepts in immunology cogently and also in sufficientdetail that they would be understood by students ofthe discipline, as well as to emphasize clinical aspects,including disease pathogenesis and the development ofnovel therapies based on the basic science of immunol-ogy. These are the goals that we continue to strive for.With improving understanding of the normal immuneresponse, we believe it is possible to present the funda-mental knowledge in a concise way. In addition, therehas been exciting progress in applying basic principlesto understanding and treating human diseases, a topicthat is of paramount interest for students of medicineand allied health sciences. Foremost among these recentadvances is the development of cancer immunotherapy,which dramatically illustrates how foundational sciencecan be translated into clinical practice. More specifically, we have focused on the followingobjectives. First, we have presented the most importantprinciples governing the function of the immune sys-tem by synthesizing key concepts from the vast amountof experimental data that have emerged in the field ofimmunology. Our judgment of what is most importantis based largely on what is most clearly established byscientific investigation and is essential for understand-ing the major functions of the immune system. Wehave also prioritized content that is relevant to humanhealth and disease. We have realized that in any con-cise discussion of complex phenomena, it is inevitablethat exceptions and caveats cannot be considered indetail, so these have largely been omitted. Second, we havefocused on immune responses against infectiousmicrobes, and most of our discussions of the immunesystem are in this context. Third, we have made liberaluse of illustrations to highlight important principles,but we have reduced factual details that may be foundin more comprehensive textbooks. Fourth, we have d2c66b5586