Designing And Managing The Supply Chain : Concepts, Strategies, And Case-studies By David Simchi-Lev
This supply chain management course presents innovative strategies and best practices for improving supply chain performance. It introduces a unique MIT framework, using the concept of technology clock speed, for strategically managing and optimizing supply chains. Participants gain a deeper understanding of supply chain integration, technology sourcing, make-buy decisions, strategic partnering and outsourcing, and IT and decision-support systems.
Led by world experts, this practice-oriented supply chain management course investigates a robust MIT framework for better managing supply chains in today's rapidly changing markets. Participants will explore:
Traditional supply chain strategies have often focused on either operational efficiency or responsiveness. When operational efficiency is the priority, a firm strives to squeeze as much cost out of the supply chain as possible, and that goal drives supplier selection, manufacturing strategies, product design and distribution, and logistics. Typically, production and distribution decisions are based on long-term forecasts, inventories of finished goods are located close to customer demand, and components are often sourced from low-cost countries.
Many descriptions for Supply Chain Management (SCM) have proposed, most commonly as roughly including a system of managing activities and facilities beginning with purchasing raw material, moving to producing goods, and finally distributing product to customers. All vendors and manufacturers, service providers, distributers, warehouses and retailers are linked in SCM. Furthermore, SCM can be considered a set of concepts used to integrate all elements in supply chain efficiently from suppliers to retailers to producing and distributing goods in the right quantities and right locations, at the best time. The main objective of SCM is minimizing costs and maximize profits simultaneously to reach service level requirements (SHEN, 2007; Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky, & Simchi-Levi, 2003). 153554b96e