IFRS Simplified With Practical Illustration Part 1
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When you add a new activity, you are presented with a list of available connectors that you can choose from. You cannot add all connectors for all types of events. For this reason, the connectors have an icon that shows you what you can do with the connector.
The Protocol attribute sets the protocol for the connector. For SFTP, the Protocol attribute value is ftp. User name or key: You must fully specify the Host name or IP address or the IP address of the service. You can either specify the host key file (e.g. a PEM-encoded certificate or private key), or you can enter the values directly into the host name or IP address fields. The host key file can be added to your ~/.ssh directory, or for servers outside your local network, you can specify the IP address or host name. Certificate path or PEM-encoded certificate: Specify the absolute path to the key. Enter the information right below the header or below the fields. The connector stores the private key for reuse, so there is no need to key the file every time you launch the connector. Password: The password you want to use. d2c66b5586