Semiotic And Cognitive Science Essays On The Nature Of Mathematics
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Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou (b. 1948) received her doctorate in Comparative Literature in 1976 from the University of Colorado at Boulder. In 1981 she joined the faculty of the School of English at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, where she taught medieval literature and literary theory until her retirement in 2015; she is now Professor Emeritus. Her research interests include medieval literature and semiotics, particularly narrative theory and textual analysis; she has also published work on popular culture, an interest that stems from the frequent presence of medieval motifs in fantasy literature, science fiction, film and television. Her publications include a monograph, I Have a Yong Suster: Popular Song and the Middle English Lyric (Four Courts Press, 2002), and papers on literary theory, popular culture and medieval literature published in Greek, European and American journals and collective volumes. She frequently collaborates with her husband; they have co-authored Meaning and Geography: The Social Conception of the Region in Northern Greece (Mouton de Gruyter, 1992) and together with Mark Gottdiener co-edited the anthology Semiotics (Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Methods, 2003). Their latest publication is Theory of Semiotics: The Tradition of Ferdinand de Saussure (in Greek, 2016).
Born in Verviers (Belgium) in 1944, Jean-Marie Klinkenberg is professor emeritus at the University of Liège (Belgium), where he held the Chair of Semiotics and Rhetorics. He has done research in the sciences of language, areas in which he has published nearly 700 works translated into twenty languages (e.g. Précis de sémiotique générale, 2000). He has contributed to renewing the rhetoric within the interdisciplinary team known as Groupe μ, the collective author of A General Rhetoric (1970), A Rhetoric of Poetry (1977) and several works in visual semiotics (A Treaty of Visual Signs, 1992) who, more recently, has helped to shape semiotics in a cognitive and social orientation (Principia Semotica, 2015). He is Chairperson of Signata: Annals of Semiotics, has been president of the International Association for Visual Semiotics four times and represents Belgium on the International Advisory Board of the International Association for Semiotic Studies. He is also specialized in sociolinguistics (La langue dans la cité, 2015) and in the sociology of the francophone cultures (Périphériques Nord, 2010). He has held numerous visiting professorships on the five continents. He has received honorary doctorates from several foreign universities and is a member of the Royal Academy of Belgium.
Göran Sonesson (b. 1951) is Professor of semiotics and Director of the Division for Cognitive Semiotics at Lund University. He obtained his doctorate in general linguistics from Lund University in 1978, and, in the same year, in semiotics from École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. His dissertations were concerned with placing language and gesture, respectively, within a wider semiotical framework building on phenomenology and the psychology of perception. The major part of his research has been concerned with the semiotic study of pictures, which he has treated from a theoretical standpoint, starting out from a phenomenological perspective, and empirically, the latter in more recent decades also in experimental form. In his book Pictorial concepts (1989), he has presented the only full refutation extant of the critique of iconicity, as formulated by Eco, Bierman, and Goodman, while also reviewing critically the work on the plastic and iconic layers of the pictures due, notably, to the Greimas school and the Liege group of semiotical rhetoric. His minor speciality, since the last decade of the 20th century, has been a reinterpretation of the semiotic of culture as understood by the Tartu school, connecting it to the phenomenological distinction between Homeworld and Alienworld. In recent years, he has been involved with the theory of cultural evolution, in the guise of a critique of socio-biology, and as an extension of cultural semiotics, as well as with the epistemological and methodological foundations of cognitive semiotics, which aims to bring together the advantages of semiotics and the cognitive science, critically uniting their concepts and methods. He has written numerous articles in well-known semiotic journals and anthologies, and he has also published papers in psychological and sociological journals. He was a founding member of the International Association for Visual Semiotics and the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics.
(Henry) Yiheng Zhao (1943-) Professor of Semiotics and Narratology at the College of Literature & Journalism, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, currently Director of ISMS (the Institute of Semiotics & Media Studies), Chairman of the Academic Committee of ACCS (The Association of Chinese Communication and Semiotic Studies), and member of the Collegium of IASS (The International Association of Semiotic Studies). He graduated from Nanjing University (BA 1968), the Graduate School of the Academy of Social Sciences (MA 1982), and University of California, Berkeley (PhD 1987). He taught at the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, for almost 20 years before resettling in China in 2005. His specializes in formal studies of art, literature and culture. Since the late 1970s, he has written two dozen books and around 250 essays on those topics. His major works in English include The Uneasy Narrator (1994), Toward a Modern Zen Theatre (2001), and in Chinese The Muse from Cathay (1983), Semiotics of Literature (1984), Comparative Narratology (1994), The Lure of the Other Bank (2003), Semiotics: Principles and Problems (2011), A General Narratology (2013), and Philosophical Semiotics (2017). Some of his works were republished in his 8-volume Selected Works (2013). He is also the editor of Signs & Media, a bilingual journal published since 2008, and of the monthly e-zine Bulletin of Semiotics and Media Studies. The book series Contemporary Semiotics under his editorship has published, since 2010, around 30 books by western authors translated into Chinese, and 40 books authored by Chinese semioticians themselves.
Mathematics in Mind: The monographs and occasional textbooks published in this series tap directly into the kinds of themes, research findings, and general professional activities of the Fields Cognitive Science Network, which brings together mathematicians, philosophers, and cognitive scientists to explore the question of the nature of mathematics and how it is learned from various interdisciplinary angles.
Two lectures on the nature of mathematics, 10-11: Marcel Danesi Mathematics: A View from Vico 11-12: Rafael Núñez Are Mathematical Formal Definitions What We Think They Are Weierstrass, Continuity, and Modern Cognitive Science
Semiotics (also called semiotic studies) is the systematic study of sign processes (semiosis) and meaning making. Semiosis is any activity, conduct, or process that involves signs, where a sign is defined as anything that communicates something, usually called a meaning, to the sign's interpreter. The meaning can be intentional, such as a word uttered with a specific meaning; or unintentional, such as a symptom being a sign of a particular medical condition. Signs can also communicate feelings (which are usually not considered meanings) and may communicate internally (through thought itself) or through any of the senses: visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or gustatory (taste). Contemporary semiotics is a branch of science that studies meaning-making and various types of knowledge.[1]
All that can fall within the compass of human understanding, being either, first, the nature of things, as they are in themselves, their relations, and their manner of operation: or, secondly, that which man himself ought to do, as a rational and voluntary agent, for the attainment of any end, especially happiness: or, thirdly, the ways and means whereby the knowledge of both the one and the other of these is attained and communicated; I think science may be divided properly into these three sorts.
Thirdly, the third branch [of sciences] may be termed σημειωτικὴ, or the doctrine of signs, the most usual whereof being words, it is aptly enough termed also Λογικὴ, logic; the business whereof is to consider the nature of signs the mind makes use of for the understanding of things, or conveying its knowledge to others.
Semiosis or semeiosis is the process that forms meaning from any organism's apprehension of the world through signs. Scholars who have talked about semiosis in their subtheories of semiotics include C. S. Peirce, John Deely, and Umberto Eco. Cognitive semiotics is combining methods and theories developed in the disciplines of semiotics and the humanities, with providing new information into human signification and its manifestation in cultural practices. The research on cognitive semiotics brings together semiotics from linguistics, cognitive science, and related disciplines on a common meta-theoretical platform of concepts, methods, and shared data.
Cognitive semiotics may also be seen as the study of meaning-making by employing and integrating methods and theories developed in the cognitive sciences. This involves conceptual and textual analysis as well as experimental investigations. Cognitive semiotics initially was developed at the Center for Semiotics at Aarhus University (Denmark), with an important connection with the Center of Functionally Integrated Neuroscience (CFIN) at Aarhus Hospital. Amongst the prominent cognitive semioticians are Per Aage Brandt, Svend Østergaard, Peer Bundgård, Frederik Stjernfelt, Mikkel Wallentin, Kristian Tylén, Riccardo Fusaroli, and Jordan Zlatev. Zlatev later in co-operation with Göran Sonesson established CCS (Center for Cognitive Semiotics) at Lund University, Sweden. 153554b96e
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